During February this year the Ecoglen EXCO. undertook the first of its conservation/education initiatives.

During 2006, CTMM Nature Conservation  undertook a survey of the Moreleta Reserve of the Ecoglen Conservancy and identified 10 species of indigenous tree/shrub.

Thanks to a generous donation from the Chateau Glen Body Corporate, two examples of each of the identified species were tagged. The exercise involved CTMM, the EcoglenEXCO. and Ecoglen members. Photos of the day’s activities are displayed below.

Fact sheets on each of the species are being developed for educational purposes. Two are currently  available [click on the links below] , the rest will follow in due course. The indigenous species identified are;


First Tree

Ecoglen Chair Tags Tree

Richard Ndlovu of CTMM

Johann Laubscher

Willem van der Westhuizen

Members share knowledge.

click on an  image to enlarge

